C.L.A.S.S. Agency
C.L.A.S.S. Agency (Changing Lives and Staying Sober) is a non-profit organization based in Detroit, Michigan. 
Led by Dr. Karla Mitchell, the organization works with local youth ages 13-30, to uplift mental and physical wellbeing, as well as assist in treatment for sobriety. 
Project Brief/Mission
The organization has acquired a new building to stand as their youth center. CCS Interior Design BFA students, and CMF MA students have been tasked to fully design the Interior of the building. 
Taking into consideration the wants and needs of the client, as well as interviewing with the youth that will be guests of the space to curate a functional, budget-friendly, and inviting interior.
Research & Case Study - Similar Organizations
Research - Designing for youth
Research - Wellness Design and Trends 

Bedrooms sleep 4 people using single sided bunk beds, designed to feel private while maintaining spatial efficiency.

Girls restroom featuring vanity seating for collaborative self-care.

Media lounge for digital entertainment.

Private Therapy/Lounge space.

Mothers room for tending to infants and toddlers.

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